Thursday, 25 August 2011

Do Not Choose the Cheapest Doctors

Why not to choose the cheapest doctor you can find…
Making a purchase is often all about great value for money. But when it comes to cosmetic plastic surgery, great value is literally skin deep. What may at first appear to be the cheapest option, could end up costing you more in the long run. Any type of surgery, be it life-saving, reconstructive, or cosmetic comes with certain risks, and if theses complications occur it can often mean a trip back to the doctors, or even the emergency room.
All this follow up care comes at price, and as anyone with medical insurance will know, any elective cosmetic surgery, or any follow up care resulting from such surgery will not be covered by your provider.
Medical tourism is one option many American’s and Europeans are choosing to help cut the cost of their elective surgeries.
always chose board certified surgeons
Choose Board Certified Plastic Surgeons
Image Credit: Best In Plastics, 2010.
Fortunately there are many well experienced and highly qualified doctors working in Thailand, India and other parts of Asia, and the lower living cost in these countries enable clinics and hospitals to offer first class service at an extremely competitive rates.
Nevertheless there are limits to how cheap high quality surgery can be offered, and many medical tourists overlook this when they decide to go with a surgeon in a clinic or hospital abroad. A general rule of thumb is to always go with a board certified plastic surgeon, with many years experience in the type of surgery you are opting for. If one turns up to be much cheaper than most others, you should immediately question why.
There’s no doubt that surgery is cheaper in countries such as Thailand and India, and with the added bonus of being able to enjoy a relaxing break and recovery in an exotic destination, there really is no better way to rejuvenate your body and mind. But always remember to be realistic about the cost of your surgery, and know you’re likely to get what you paid for.
There are many horror stories from patient’s who opted for the cheapest surgeon they could find. 40-year old Larissa Hersom, who wrote into the 33tv Texas news station to share her story, is one of those unfortunate people.
Hersom wanted to undergo bariatric surgeon to reduce her 300 lbs weight. After being told her medical insurance would not cover the weight-loss surgery, and realizing the high cost or surgery in the U.S., she began hunting on the Internet for a cheap deal in Mexico. Talking with 33TV she explained:
“In the United States the lowest quote I got was $24,000.00 for the surgery and in Mexico. I was getting quotes of $12,000.00 to $14,000.00 and I ended up paying $12,500.00.”
Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before there were complications – Hersom had to visit the emergency room three times in as many months, and was eventually told that without another surgery, she will die.
And she’s not alone, Dr. Nicholson a bariatric surgeon at the Forest Park Medical Center, said he sees many patients like Larissa:
“Unfortunately we see this problem all too frequently as a matter of fact in our practice, we see this about once a week.”
Hersom, knowing she is far from the only one who has experience such medical malpractice, wanted people to take away this msg:
“You have to have money set aside for possible complications as well as the initial surgery. And if you have enough money for that – than why not get a competent US doctor (with US protections) in the first place? I feel like a complete fool. I gambled, and lost.”

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